Tantric massage works on the development of people's sexual energy, where through body contact and from a loving and understanding perspective, it is possible to work on the dissolution of the ego, the liberation of taboos and emotional blockages and reach states of transcendence and spiritual connection.  Tantric massage brings us a series of positive effects immediately, such as forgetting about the outside world and entering in a state of presence, a feeling of well-being and relaxation, high levels of pleasure, emotional release and energetic growth. In addition, tantric massage, as a tool for sexual development, also generates the following effects:

  • Wake up the innate ability we all have to experience pleasure in our body in a healthy, conscious and loving way.

  • Increases sensory pleasure throughout the body and not only in the genital area.

  • Increase sensory, conscious and spiritual perception.

  • It allows to reach new levels of pleasure.

  • It brings greater vitality, self-esteem and personal security.

  • It balances, improves and increases sexual desire, arousal and passion for life in general.

  • Unlock at the psycho-emotional level: repressed feelings and thoughts, open the mind, eliminate taboos and prejudices, free sexual expression and orgasm.

Sexual Disfunctions

The practice of Tantra can bring several benefits to people with sexual dysfunctions. The first is to take the focus off the genital region, helping people to reframe their relationship with pleasure and their sexuality, discovering the orgasmic potential that exists within them. It is also important to remember that a frequent cause of sexual dysfunction is related to anxiety disorders or trauma. Tantric practices involve several meditations and breathings that have been scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety and, in turn, contribute to the improvement of sexual dysfunctions. In addition tantra practices involve body work that contributes to physical unblocking, resignification and dissolution of traumas. Tantric practices also contribute to the general well-being of practitioners. Today we live in a world that leads people to exhaustion and to be increasingly dissociated from themselves. Tantra seeks to regain that connection with ourselves, with our desires and with our pleasure, so that we have more inner peace and a fuller life in all aspects.


Types of Sexual Disfunctions

The therapeutic tantric massage can be of great help to people who suffer from sexual dysfunctions such as:

- Hypoactive sexual desire (lack of desire)

- Sexual aversion

- Disturbance of sexual arousal

- Disturbance or inhibition of orgasm

- Dyspareunia (Pain)

- Vaginismus

- Erectile dysfunction

- Ejaculatory Dysfunctions