

Pure Senses

A relaxing and sensory full body massage. We use various relaxation techniques coupled with soft and delicate touches that allow you to explore intense body sensations, filling you with relaxing and renewing effects. The fragrances of the highest quality oils from India made with organic natural extracts will accompany you on this trip. Incredible reparative therapy for the disconnection of our stressful moments and thus constitute healthy, harmonic and balanced body and emotional connections.

  • 1:30h: 160€

  • 2h: 190€

Tantric Ocean

This massage is an ocean of caresses for your body and your heart, which lead you to link your essence and vital energy, releasing the spirit and expanding it to another vibration. Discover new ways to stimulate your body from your energy centers. For those who seek to expand their consciousness and raise their states of pleasure to new levels, this massage brings the millennial tantric knowledge applied to an experience of pure ecstasy. You will live a sensory experience like never before, and live paradise on earth.

  • 1:30h: 190€

  • 2h: 220€

Ecstasy Shambala

Let your imagination fly and enjoy these unique and exclusive sensations that will surprise you. It goes beyond all the limits of other experiences, it goes much further ... It is our most exclusive massage that was designed to make you fly and sublimate your physical, emotional and energetic states. A massage where pleasure, enjoyment, emotions and the most delicious sensations are assured. Get drunk with pleasure in its purest form. Who can resist an incredibly extraordinary sensory experience?

  • 1:30h: 260€

  • 2h: 290€